Nomin Zezegmaa

Serpents of Creation Entwined: As Above, So Below (2), 2023

Medium Painting
Size 183x86cm
Materials ink, acrylic ink, pigment, thread, larch branches from Bogd Khan Mountain
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Serpents of Creation Entwined: As Above, So Below were created as a pair, not as a diptych. Inspired by a conversation that took place between a shamaness and man. The man wondered about Mongol shamanic powers and their connection to land, where the shamaness answered that all mountains of the earth are connected and wind around the planet like serpents, with their heads gathering in Mongolia.  In its visual and physical form the works emphasize the blurred borders of medium and matter, the front and back. The ywere only worked on from one side, hence the fabric acts as a membrane for light and pigment to deeply soak and penetrate to the other side. Serpents of Creation Entwined: As Above, So Below are charged with narrative and artistic experimentation, and explore the alchemy of painting. 

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