Deep within the remote Gobi Desert of Umnugobi Province, Mongolia, lie the breathtaking Khermen Tsav, a series of massive mud cliffs carved by ancient forces. These cliffs, towering between 60 and 300 meters deep, were once the bed of an ancient sea and are renowned for their rich fossil deposits, serving as a testament to a time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The canyons, stretching for an impressive 10 kilometers, offer a dramatic landscape punctuated by oases fringed with reeds and broom-grass.
The vibrant hues of Khermen Tsav shift dramatically throughout the day. While the cliffs may appear in various shades of red during the sun-drenched hours, the desert's mirages create a captivating spectacle, transforming the scene into an ethereal and ever-changing panorama under the cloak of night.
Artist Nyam-Ochir, deeply captivated by this awe-inspiring natural spectacle during his travels through Umnugobi, has translated this mesmerizing landscape onto canvas.